As a businessman who wants to develop an application, of course, you have several considerations to make, especially regarding the team that will develop your project. Maybe, you are reading this article when you have a belief in developing your own application in your mind, but can it be done?
Developing your application means hiring developers from within or internal of the company, or what is known as In-house. To develop applications with the In-house team, there are several things you must do. Starting from doing a lot of research as well as brainstorming when wanting to form an internal application development team.
For you to better understand how to develop an application on your own, first you must understand what is In-house and what you need to make it works. Especially, does your company able to do it?
What is In-house App Development?
In-house app development means a process that requires companies to choose a team of developers, designers, project managers, and other roles in developing applications which you can see here independently or internally according to its name.
In-house means that companies need to provide office space, proper infrastructure, and other things needed for application development purposes to the development team. Is your company able to do that? In selecting the team you can consider recruiting new people to join your company or selecting from the employees you already have. Of course, hiring existing employees will make budgeting cheaper. However, have your workers fulfilled all the roles that your project requires?
Consider These Things When Developing Your Application
Several things must be considered when developing your application, namely hiring a team if the existing team is incompetent or the project you are going to develop is complex, you need experienced management, and choose the right development methodology.
1. Hiring Procedure of The Team
When the project you have is complex and you are determined to create it on your own, you need a competent and experienced professional team to work on it. If you don’t have the team yet, then you have to do the recruitment process.
To make an app you will need an expert iOS or Android developer or maybe both. You should also have a team of designers, market researchers, quality analysts, etc. to support the core team.
This refers to one important thing, money. Because the process of recruitment, training, development and everything requires a lot of money to get an in-house team and a successful project.
2. Experienced Management
Having a team that has both experience and market knowledge is important and can make a big difference to your project. Hiring experienced management will streamline the entire process of your application development plan.
To get diamonds of course you also have to pay more fees. However, this is felt to be comparable to your project that will be successfully developed. The question is, is your company able to do the budgeting for that?
3. The Right Development Methodology
Another important aspect is choosing the right methodology because no matter how good the development team and application ideas you have will be in vain without the support of the right methodology.
Without a suitable methodology, it will mess up your entire application development process. You can see an explanation of the Waterfall and Agile methodologies in this article to avoid confusion.
Developing an application on your own does have its challenges, you need extra work to make it work, another thing you can’t miss is knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the In house team.
Advantages of In-house Development
Advantages Of In-House Development
In choosing something, undoubtedly we will be faced with the advantages possessed by the choice we take. Here, are some of the benefits that you can get with In-house development :
1. Seamless Communication
The most obvious advantage of hiring an in-house team is that the communication process within the team will be smoother because each team member will share the same space. Moreover, the team will speak your language so that it will be easier to have discussions on various matters.
2. Better Control
Internal teams will work within your company, making it more accessible and controllable. Thus, under any circumstances, for example, a pandemic, your team will still be present at least in the same country.
In addition, you can always be present either physically or through digital media to check on the progress of your application project.
3. Flexible Work Environment
Some of the characteristics of flexibility that can be felt by hiring an internal team are Better communication processes, the team being more accessible geographically, and adjustments to working hours not needed because their working hours are indeed for your project.
Apart from the advantages, of course, there are some disadvantages that you have to accept when using an in-house team.
Disadvantages of In-house Development
1. Limited Pool of Talent
Developing an application relying on an in-house team will be difficult in keeping your workers motivated to continue working on your project in a dedicated manner.
To keep your workers motivated, you have to pay for other benefits, such as rewards. Or other costs that must be incurred due to unprofitable things at a later stage.
2. Higher Cost
If you take advantage of outsourcing, you only need to pay them according to working hours. As for the in-house team, you need to pay salaries and other social benefits such as health insurance, sick leave, and others.
In addition, you also have to buy sophisticated equipment to develop software and it’s not cheap.
3. Lack of Motivation
The in-house team gets into their comfort zone easily, therefore you as an employer must keep them motivated to improve their knowledge. This can be terrible for complex projects that require long runs.
They may lose motivation and constantly need your support.
After discussing developing applications on your own, now your task is to match the needs of the in-house team with your company’s resources. Is your company adequate? Is your team strong enough to occupy every required role? If the answers don’t convince you, you might consider The 5 Easy Peasy Steps to Outsource Your Software Development.
Not to forget, you can also steal 5 crazy ideas related to mobile application concepts for your software development projects. Good luck!