How to Manage Offshore Software Development Team

Posted 12/10/22

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Many businesses invest their capital in projects to develop software to stay relevant in the competition. But, hiring an offshore development team is the most effective and affordable way to build software. The main problem with this approach to developing a software program is the managing process. There are some tips for managing your Offshore Software development team.

Define The Goal

To develop software, you will work with your offshore development team for a long time. The offshore developer team will be your extending arm to your already existing group. Hence, your work continues beyond just assigning a task to the team. You should show all of your team the goal and the bigger picture.

It’s crucial to exchange some words with your offshore team. Talk to them regarding your business, vision, and mission. Let them know and understand where you see your business in the coming years. Brainstorm with them about how you intend to accomplish them. This allows them to think beyond your project’s object, providing creative and innovative solutions for your business.

Clear Communication

Communication is a vital key to effective development management. Having vast experience in this software industry, clear and frequent communication between the business and development team often yields the best results.

Daily updates are ideal for both large and small projects. Therefore, you have to organize a meeting with the developers or project managers so that the offshore team should get a clear idea about the context of the project. You have to make sure that your offshore team hears you carefully whatever you have to say. Likewise, you need to listen to what they have to say. You should have a timely, transparent conversation so there is no room for misunderstanding.

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Don’t Micromanage

Therefore, nobody wants to be micromanaged, especially not experienced developers. You may feel like you want to manage smaller parts of the process, but this will lead to satisfaction. When handling a primarily offshore team, hiring a project manager or senior developer who can manage tasks and lead the project is better. A strong leader and his skills will keep the team motivated and on the right track throughout the development.

Use Project Management Platforms

If you are dealing with an offshore team, many project management tools are available in the market that may help you have a seamless project development process. You should be aware of some online management tool that allows you to report bugs, and tasks, perform follow-ups and ask questions to the team members. These management tools help you to make a straightforward conversation between you and the project manager. As a business owner, you could ask for changes anytime you find something that needs modification.

Manage The Time Difference

The time difference is the primary factor if you plan to hire an offshore development team or outsource your project requirements. This can have its perks and disadvantages depending on how it’s managed. It’s pretty challenging when working with offshore teams. However, you can overcome this problem with mutual agreement for a typical time zone.


By following these tips, there will be higher chances of selecting a suitable software developer. But, on the other hand, you will increase your chance of seeing your project come to life as you imagined it. However, if you are still curious about Offshore we have several articles that can help you in the software development process.

Read Also :  Five Common Mistakes to Avoid When Outsourcing Software Developer 

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